Sunday, August 25, 2013

The IKEA Monologue

This was written a year ago when the new IKEA catalogue came out.


My Love of IKEA started back when I was still in the Philippines. Of course there was no IKEA back home and I am left at drooling at the keyboard as I browse online. I love their simple, stream lined innovative designs. Just seeing how much crap they can cram (tastefully, mind you) in small areas makes the then-younger me dream of lovely, white, organized spaces. Since I grow up in a narrow and crammed home, I am always looking for "space" or how to "spiffy up" our place. IKEA provided inspiration and ideation.

First place The BFF, Sam, took me when I came to the UAE is the IKEA store in Dubai Festival City and mind you, they do not disappoint. Granted I only bought scented candles on that visit (I was on visit visa and was still looking for work, so no moolah!) I very much enjoyed the visit. Since I was with Sam, I enjoyed the sideline commentaries and our usual what-ifs.

Whenever Mr. RL asks if I want to take a trip to Dubai, I would ask if we can drop by IKEA and he will lose interest in going altogether. He actually thinks of our IKEA trip as a huge favor and should count as a "gift". I think he gets bored out of his mind just entering the store while the IKEA junkie that is me, has my adrenaline pumping the minute we pulled into the parking lot.

So why an ode to IKEA? Because the annual catalogue is out! Yipee! In the UAE, you have an option for an English and Arabic link, see below.

The new issue is more colorful and concept of the spaces is more lived in as opposed to "catalogue-y". It seems the prices are still the same as last year, yey! But there is nothing notably new or awesome. so I'm kind of disappointed. Seems weird that I'm reviewing a catalogue. Oh well, I still can't wait to visit and explore!

Any IKEA monologue of your own?


Update: the new catalogue is kinda magulo for my taste. The injection of colors and patterns did not suit well for me. That said,  I would still go and  make pakyaw in a heart beat. No question. Also, we have been eating from their resto when I was pregnant last year and really loved the food, very affordable pa. I just need to convince Mr. RL we need something from there para makalagaw uli.


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